Come to The Showtime Adventure Challenge; based on the Wonderslide World children’s storybook, visitors will enter the fantasy world, learn all about how to become a Wonder Star; take part in storytelling, circus skills and learn the Wonder Stars anthem and dance!  A lively mix of  storytelling fun, children become part of the story, try their hand at circus skills and have a magical adventure that will delight and inspire girls and boys of all ages and abilities.

These interactive events are  full of storytelling imagination and action and are designed to capture the imagination of youngsters aged 3-8 years, get them active, immersed and enjoying time together with their grown ups!


What happens at The Showtime Adventure Challenge event?

Based around the Wonderslide World children’s storybook, guests will be taken on an exciting adventure, down the magical slide into the fantastical Wonderslide World where they will all become a part of the story, becoming the characters and acting out parts of the story. They will learn and perform the Wonderstars Anthem and will try their hand at circus skills; try their skills on the Diablo, devil sticks, spinning plates, dance ribbons and hoops. And of course there are the fantastic Wonderstar games that everyone loves.

As an added bonus their event host will delight and amaze them with their own circus skills and tricks!

Contact us now for more information or to speak to us about having Showtime Adventure Challenge at your venue or event.