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11 Easy and fun Dinosaur activities for kids at home

Do you know a kid who loves Dinosaurs? Did you know that Dinosaurs are the second most popular interest in pre-schoolers across the world? Well who can blame them? We all love a good ROAR!!!! If you want to know why kids love Dinosaurs so much then read here… But if you just want to…

11 simple ways to encourage kids to play imaginatively at home….

11 simple ways to encourage kids to play imaginatively at home….

11 ways to encourage imaginative play in the kids at home right now…… With the kids being stuck at home at the moment its more important than ever to encourage imaginative play, especially in small children. There are so many other benefits to imaginative play, including social and emotional development. They can explore emotions, experiences…

The Easter Bunny Hop…amazing new fun kids song for Easter

The Easter Bunny Hop…amazing new fun kids song for Easter

Have your kids heard the Easter Bunny Hop? It’s an amazing new fun kids song for Easter and at this time children need imaginative fun at home more than ever! So play them the Easter Bunny Hop, teach them the dance and if they love it register them on the Easter Bunny Challenge LIVE Online…

Why reading with your kids is important for them and also for you!
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Why reading with your kids is important for them and also for you!

And why you shouldn’t worry what reading band they are on……. We’ve all had the feeling; it’s the end of another manic day, working, rushing around, taxi-ing children to various places, feeding them bathing them and you just want to get them to bed as quickly as possible but they utter those words “just one…